Yearly knowledge update for Swedsec licensees

As a Swedsec licensee, you need to update your knowledge every year to obtain your license and you need to pass their licensing test. Swedsec presents a number of proficiency requirements that then underpin how we produce our ÅKU at Contento. In recent years, we have developed exciting e-learning programs that you, as a participant, are implementing at a distance, at your own pace.

Several of our ÅKU productions have even been awarded. Swedsec’s proficiency requirements are divided into different occupational roles. That is why we are offering our ÅKU training in several versions. Which one is suitable for you depends on your professional role. The aim of the courses is to provide you with the knowledge you need in a simple and stimulating way.

ÅKU 2020

The key word for Contento’s ÅKU 2020 is efficiency. Therefore, some of the 25 sections begin with a knowledge test, and if you pass it on one attempt, you will be approved for the entire section in question and may proceed to the next.

ÅKU 2019

ÅKU 2019 is a varied e-learning with films, animated fact sequences, cases, filmed lectures and interactive exercises. Which of the four versions is right for you depends on your professional role.

ÅKU 2018

ÅKU 2018 is a varied e-learning with film, animated fact sequences, cases, video lectures and interactive exercises. Which one is suitable for you depends on your professional role.

ÅKU 2017

ÅKU 2017 is launched in an e-learning format with video lectures, animated fact sequences and interactive exercises. Most sections are summed up with knowledge questions to ensure that you have received enough knowledge on the subject.

ÅKU 2016

ÅKU 2016 is delivered as e-learning. The content includes animated and illustrated information sections with narration voices and sequences with a guide. The training alternates different types of interactive exercises with embedded knowledge checks.

Our courses

1. License preparation courses
2. E-learning
3. Teacher-led training
4. Blended learning
5. Tests
6. Webinars